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11 Tips to Save Gas

Apr 13, 2022
How to save on Gas

Car maintenance is important for many reasons. It can, of course, save you money on repairs in the future, help keep your car running properly, and protect the environment. However, in this time of soaring gas prices, it’s important to keep in mind that proper vehicle maintenance services can help you boost your gas mileage as well. Here are a few tips for proper car maintenance to help you save money at the pumps:

1. Check Your Air Filter

One of the most important ways to save on gas is by regularly checking and replacing your car's air filter. A dirty air filter can restrict airflow to your engine, which can lead to decreased performance and fuel economy. Make sure to check your air filter every 12,000 miles or so and replace it as needed.

2. Keep Your Tires Inflated

Another easy way to improve your gas mileage is by keeping your tires properly inflated. Check your tire pressure at least once a month, and keep them inflated to the manufacturer's recommended level. This can improve your fuel economy by up to 3%.

3. Get Regular Oil Changes

Getting an oil change frequently is another important aspect of vehicle maintenance. This will help keep your engine running smoothly and efficiently, which can improve your gas mileage by up to 5%.

4. Avoid Excessive Idling

If you're going to be stopped for more than a minute or two, it's better to turn off your engine rather than let it idle. Idling can waste a significant amount of gas, so it's best to avoid it whenever possible.

5. Use Cruise Control

If you're driving on the highway, try using cruise control to help maintain a consistent speed. This can help you save gas by avoiding sudden acceleration and deceleration.

6. Drive at a Moderate Speed

One of the best ways to save gas is to simply drive at a moderate speed. Speeding can decrease your fuel economy by up to 15%, so it's best to avoid it whenever possible.

Changing oil in car

7. Use the Correct Grade of Oil

Make sure you're using the correct grade of oil in your car. Using a higher-grade oil than necessary can decrease your fuel economy.

8. Avoid Unnecessary Accessories

To save money on gasoline, turn off any accessories that aren't required. This includes things like heated seats, air conditioning, and your car radio. For example, the air conditioner compressor is powered by a belt (in almost all cars), which makes the cabin fan and more power-hungry fans use extra fuel to operate the vehicle.

9. Drive Smoothly

Sudden stops and starts can waste a lot of gas, so it's important to drive as smoothly as possible. This means accelerating gradually and braking gently whenever possible if cruise control is not a viable option.

10. Use the Correct Octane Gasoline

If your car owner's manual recommends a certain octane level for gasoline, make sure to use it. Using a lower octane gas than recommended can decrease your fuel economy significantly.

11. Get Your Car Tuned Up

A well-tuned car will run more efficiently and use less gas. Be sure to get your car tuned up according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

By following these 11 tips, you can save money on your gas bill each month while also preventing costly repairs later on. Call Poston Motors today to receive fast and affordable
auto repairs in Cumming, GA.

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